Thank you endlessly for your interest in getting tattooed by me!

For posted designs, you can fill out this form:

Afterwards, you can schedule through the calendar below.

Please do not schedule a custom tattoo until you have completed a form and we’ve had a chance to go over details about your appointment.

I typically work Monday-Thursday

*If you require an evening, weekend, or are traveling, let me know and we may be able to work something out.*

After you schedule, Calendly will direct you to a page where you can select options to pay a non-refundable deposit.

I take a $50 deposit for flash, fully going towards your total.

For customs, the deposit is $100, with half dedicated to drawing time and the other half going towards the final price of your tattoo.

After the deposit is paid, I’ll send you directions to the studio.

Calendly will send you a reminder a few days prior to re-confirm your appointment.

*consults and touchups are free*

if the embedded calendar above doesn’t work, you can schedule here